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Tour of features

   7 key features
   16 more features
   Specimen lists
   Data sharing
   Family names
   Botanical names
   Iconic data


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The days of measuring with cubits are long gone, but that doesn't mean we've completely eliminated the Babel surrounding measurement units.

The Compleat Botanica allows data to be recorded, displayed, filtered, and sorted using both the metric system and the U.S. Customary system.  This applies to linear dimensions (metre/centimetre or feet/inch), units of volume (litre or gallon), and temperature scales (Celsius or Fahrenheit).  Date formatting options allow for all common variants of month, day and year.

The botanical checklist contains entries for plants from around the world.


See these Pathfinder documents for more about this:

  Switching between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales

  Switching between U.S. and metric units

  Changing the display format for dates

For an index to other topics see

   Getting started


Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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