Plant collector societies
Bamboo societies
Phyllostachys, Bambusa, Semiarundinaria, Fargesia, and more ...
Cactus and succulent societies
Adenium, Aloe, Asclepiadaceae, Echinocereus, Epiphyllum, Euphorbia, Haworthia, Mammillaria, Mesembryanthemaceae, Optunia, Sansevieria, Stepeliad, Tephrocactus, and more ...
Conifer societies
Abies, Arborvitae, Cathaya, Cedrus, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, Juniperus, Picea, Taxus, Tsuga (bearing cones)
Sedum societies
Sedum, Rhodiola, Hylotelephium, Rosularia, Orostachys, Mucizonia and Sinocrassula
Special focus gardening forums
Professional associations
Invasive plants
Web links to invasive plant associations promoting alien plant abatement work.
Native plants
Web links to associations promoting plant restoration using native species.
Research groups and plant databases
Arboretum and botanical gardens
Conservation and restoration groups
Native plant and wildflower societies
Focus on natural dyes
The traditional art of dyeing has been practiced for centuries. Every good
homemaker knew the basic principles of dyeing and most had a working knowledge
of the local plants that could be used to create attractive colors on linen,
silk and wool.