A springtime herald.
Numerous red buds on last year's bare wood gives this plant its
common name: redbud.
Judy has organized a watershed protection society for her local class
three stream. "I'm developing a list of both the natives and the
invasives of the watershed to help make our community outreach message
more powerful." By putting in the extra effort Judy has taught
herself while teaching others.
Q: I want to sort my collection. Is there an easy way to do that?
Yes, sorting is part of the filtering process. After you've created the filter
in the Filter View, switch to the Specimen View to see the records that match
your criteria. To sort, simply click on a column header. Sorting by two columns
is possible by simply clicking on another column.
See the full story.
For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
There are 17 side-by-side data entry views making it easy to access and update your data.
Be sure to check out the Biodiversity
See all 17 views . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
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Q: I've been using Windows Me for a long time and it
seems to work just fine. Why should I upgrade?
A: Earlier versions of The
Compleat Botanica ran satisfactorily on Windows 98 and Windows Me. The
latest version however uses the full power and capability of the newer
operating systems. Only Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are now
Many of the computers that now use Windows 98 or Windows Me can be
easily upgraded to Windows 2000 or Windows XP without any change in
hardware. Upgrading in most cases is hassle-free. The result is a more
stable system and one which can run the newer more powerful software
like the latest edition of The Compleat Botanica.
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: How to create new specimen records.
A: There are three easy ways
to create a new specimen record:
The first way is to find the appropriate botanical name in the taxonomic
checklist and press the create new specimen button located in the bottom
right-hand corner of the view. This works best if you know
the true botanical name.
The second way is to search the vernacular list for the common name of the plant,
then press the create new specimen button. This works well if you're unsure of the
proper spelling of the botanical name or if you only know the common name.
The third way is to press the new specimen button at the bottom of the specimen list.
This works best when you know the full botanical name of the specimen to be added.
See the full story.
See more "how to" articles
do I . . .