One of the great features of today's personal
computers is the ability to share data between different software
applications. A good set of import/export commands as well as copy and
paste can make this happen with ease.
The Compleat Botanica can import data from spreadsheets and databases that
use the ubiquitous comma delimited format or the very similar tab delimited
format. Data can be exported from The Compleat Botanica for use by word
processors, browsers, Web servers, and other applications through the use of
text files, HTML files, XML files, and delimited files. All copy and paste
commands use the XML (Extensible Markup Language) standard.
See these Pathfinder documents for more about importing:
Infix-junctor BLUEPHRASEHyperlink source-bound syntaxinfix-junctor [bluephrase ยท junctors] Establish a hyperlink from A to B, and from B to A, making the source phrase itself the link.