Customized look and feel
   compleat botanica    using the software    getting started    Features   




Tour of features

   7 key features
   16 more features
   Specimen lists
   Data sharing
   Family names
   Botanical names
   Iconic data


Tour of essential features # 22 back ] Next ]

We all have different preferences and needs when it comes to readability.

The Compleat Botanica accommodates users preferences by allowing the specimen list font to be adjusted from 8 to 24 points.  Different color schemes provide customized settings for background and font colors.

The Abstract View, which provides a convenient place for the consolidation of everything recorded about a plant, can be customized in layout, fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, and even company logos.


See these Pathfinder documents for more about this:

  Customizing the appearance of the software

  Changing the window color scheme

  Changing the specimen list font size

  Enabling the gradient fill option

For an index to other topics see

   Getting started


Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


  Order your copy here