Surrounded with bracts
Tall herbaceous late summer bloomer. Appears to be on the
verge of something wonderful.
Karyn is studying the leaf patterns and branching characteristics of
short woody species. "The variety of data that I can record for
each species is great. The Compleat Botanica should be
useful to anyone doing plant research."
Q: How do I see all plants with flowers of a particular color?
Selecting plants by color is possible in two different ways. You can
chose specific colors or you can choose color groups.
Color groups allow
you to easily choose a range of colors. Each color is defined as
belonging to a particular group. When you choose to include plants
belonging to that color group, your resulting filter will include all
plants whose color matches any of the members of that group.
Choosing specific colors is also possible. Just select which
colors to include one by one. see the full story. For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
Holiday sale - save $40
Q: I need a database which will keep track of ancestry
and progeny of hybrids in a manner similar to Family Tree by Broderbund.
The Compleat Botanica allows you to track ancestry and progeny
through the use of hyperlinks embedded in the free-form notes
fields. This feature allows you to make textual references
to other specimen for any reason, not just for hybridization.
Although The Compleat Botanica does have a deep tree structure
for displaying the taxonomic relationships between plant names, it
is not quite the same as Family Tree.
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: You can use the Pathfinder facility to find answers
to questions about the software.
A: You can use the Pathfinder facility to find answers to questions about the software.
There are two basic approaches to using Pathfinder. If you
simply want to browse through the available topics, use the tree-like
table of contents in the left-hand window pane. Double-clicking
any item with the green index symbol
will display a list of related
informational documents -- these are the items prefaced with the blue info
symbol .
If you prefer to search for answers using the familiar search engine
approach, you can type short phrases, questions, or keywords into the search
box. Documents containing one or more of your keywords are listed in the results
page inside the Pathfinder window. see the full story. See more "how to" articles
do I . . .