Always a surprise when found in the
Classic late spring showcase. Drought tolerant yet
responds well to water.
Jean Pierre has been studying the traditional uses of plants in ritual
and shamanistic medicine. "I use the software to track the various
uses of plants across the different tribes." The Compleat
Botanica helps Jean Pierre keep his interviews organized while
cross-referencing usage, location, and species.
Q: Where are my pictures stored?
Pictures that you associate with your specimen are not stored in the
database in the same way as all of your other data. Instead your
pictures are kept in their original format (JPEG, GIF, and so forth), on
your hard disk in their original location.
The suggested location for
pictures is the folder "C:\Program
Files\Compleat Botanica\Data\CBPhotos". You can change the suggested location for pictures using the Customize
setting . . . area.
See the full story.
For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
Holiday sale - save $40
Q: I have thousands of records in dBase format. Could
this be imported into your program?
Yes. Databases that use the dBaseIII or dBaseIV formats
that can export their records using a comma delimited format or a
tab delimited format are compatible with The Compleat Botanica.
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: Here's a step-by-step guide to adding a new category.
A: Adding a new category to the list of pre-installed categories is simple. You'll most
likely want to do this with some of the more flexible items such as Garden location and
Nursery. These are typically the types of items that tend to be the most user-specific.
By contrast, items such as USDA Zones, soil pH, and Sunset climate zones tend to be rarely,
if ever, supplemented. See the full story.
See more "how to" articles
do I . . .