Michaelmas daisy
Profusion of blooms at the end of September just in time for
late summer butterflies.
Pedro has been meticulously crossing roses for years and has gotten good
enough to win some show awards. "I like The Compleat Botanica
because I can record my trials and errors with the precision I need."
He's able to keep his notes organized even when everything else seems to
be falling apart.
Q: Why doesn't the entire list of specimen show up when I change filters?
The number of records that appear in the specimen list can be quite large.
In order to reduce the time it takes to build and display the list, its
size is artificially limited when you first display a new filter.
artificial limit can be increased or removed all together by using the
Customize settings . . . area.
see the full story. For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
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Q: Your list of links is missing my favorite Web site.
We would be pleased to add your favorite site to our Web links
if it fits into one of the general categories of interest to users
of The Compleat Botanica.
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: The software provides several ways to search for
names, each useful for different searching problems.
Looking for a hard to remember name can be frustrating, especially when
you're not an expert in botanical names. The software provides several
ways to search for names, each useful for different searching problems.
If you know a plant by its common name, use the list of vernacular names.
Type the common name in the search field and press the search button.
If you know part or all of the botanical name, you can use the Find facility of the
taxonomic checklist.
If you're certain that you have a specimen record for a particular name, you can use the
Find facility of the specimen view. See the full story.
See more "how to" articles
do I . . .