Never ending summertime delight
Coarse leaves and stems bring forth lively color - spreads
Liu has a particular fondness for butterflies. "I've been tracking
butterfly/plant symbiosis in areas of low moisture." She uses
The Compleat Botanica to track which plant species are used for food
and which are used for egg masses.
Q: Is there an easy way to expand the taxonomic checklist?
Yes. By double-clicking an item in the hierarchical checklist you
can see all plant names one rank lower in the list.
If you double-click
while holding down the <Ctrl> key, you can see all plant names two full
ranks lower in the list. When sub-ranks are available (such as
sub-class or sub-order or sub-family), the sub-ranks down two full ranks
are also included. See the example below.
see the full story. For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
Holiday sale - save $40
Q: Your product apparently uses the Imperial system of
measurements. I saw "gallons" etc. in your description, and I haven't
got the slightest idea what a gallon is.
The Compleat Botanica allows you to choose whether to use metric
or U.S. Customary System units. Both systems are fully
supported. The two most important measurement scales for
plants are length and temperature. Length measurements can
be represented in centimetres/metres or inches/feet.
Temperature measurements can be represented in Celsius or
The quaint American system for describing plant containers is
to describe them in terms of their volume capacity; thus, we have
"1 gallon pots". (A gallon is a unit of volume
equal to approximately 4.546 liters in the British Imperial System
or 3.785 liters in the U.S. Customary System.)
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: There are three ways to add new specimen records to
your collection.
The first way is to find the appropriate botanical name in the taxonomic
checklist and press the create new specimen button located in the bottom
right-hand corner of the view. This works best if you know
the true botanical name.
The second way is to search the vernacular list for the common name of the plant,
then press the create new specimen button. This works well if you're unsure of the
proper spelling of the botanical name or if you only know the common name.
The third way is to press the new specimen button at the bottom of the specimen list.
This works best when you know the full botanical name of the specimen to be added.
See the full story.
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do I . . .