Inter-generic hybrids
   compleat botanica    using the software    plant names    Spell-checker   


Inter-generic hybrids are formally identified with a cross symbol prefixing their name. This symbol looks like a small letter �x�. Before the advent of UNICODE, this symbol was not present in most computer fonts, thus the common practice was to substitute the cross symbol for with the lower case letter �x�. This convention allows for easy entry of these names and has been adopted by The Compleat Botanica.

Note that the first letter of a species names is always capitalized (this is automatically done for you by the software). In the case of inter-generic hybrids the �x� is not considered to be the first letter.

See also

   Understanding how the botanical name spell-checker works

   All about family names

   Family name endings

   What are the rules for proper formatting of botanical names?

   The Uncertain taxonomy checkbox

   Spell-checker and formatting rules

Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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