Using the software
You've come to the right place to find answers to your questions. Use these documents
to understand how the essential features of the software work. If you're just getting started
and you've already read the Introductory Tutorial, the
How to . . . documents, and the series of
Not so obvious . . . articles, consider reading more about
filters and categories. Even if you're
a database guru, you may find a few surprisingly convenient features to help you
get more out of the software.

Gaura lindheimeri
Index to Pathfinder documents
Getting started
Index to getting started with The Compleat Botanica.
Essential features of The Compleat Botanica
Using this summary of essential features, you'll find tools to help you organize your plant collection, you'll see a different way to conduct research, you'll discover a new educational resource, and you'll learn how to publish and share your new found discoveries.
How do I . . .
Index of "how to" articles describing step-by-step procedures for common tasks.
The not so obvious . . .
Even the simplest things in life have hidden charms. Here's a list of things that may not be obvious at first glance.
Index to topics on how to use the Pathfinder facility.
Index to topics about the Specimen Views and the Specimen List.
Index to topics about printing reports, tags, and documents.
Index to topics about finding specimen and finding botanical names.
Managing your databases
Topics describing how to create, delete, backup and restore your databases.
Index to topics about Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE).