The Compleat Botanica can be used as a catalog of your personal plant collection
by using all of the software's tools to research and organize your plant data. But as a
simple tool to explore the varied world of plants, The Compleat Botanica can be used
out-of-the-box as an indexed reference guide to a vast collection of plant names
and plant data.
Here's an easy way to see just what's packaged with the software. Start your
search using these handy top level views of the taxonomic hierarchy of plants.
Or, if you're looking for plants to fill a particular need, look at some of the
cross-indexed lists of plants.
All this, and much more, comes straight out of the The Compleat Botanica.
Hay fever pollen
Anemophilous plants, their pollen producing season, and their relative annoyance. |
Dyer's Pot
Plants used in traditional fabric dyeing. |
Seaside suitable Plants that are well suited to the salt, wind, and harsh exposure of seaside conditions.