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[ Polycnemum ] [ Polycocca ] [ Polycoryne ]

Hierarchical position of the Genus Polycocca

   Regnum  Plantae
common name: The plant kingdom
   Divisio  Lycopodiophyta D.H. Scott
pub. Stud. Foss. Pl., ed. 2: 616, 617. 1909.
common name: clubmosses, quillworts
   Subdivisio  Lycopodiophytina Tippo ex Reveal
pub. Phytologia 79: 70. 29 Apr 1996.
common name: clubmosses
   Classis  Lycopodiopsida Bartl.
pub. Ord. Nat. Pl.: 14, 19. Sep 1830.
common name: clubmosses
   Subclassis  Selaginellidae Knobl. in Warm.
pub. Handb. Syst. Bot. (ed. Knoblauch): 157. Apr 1890.
   Ordo  Selaginellales Prantl
pub. Lehrb. Bot.: 116, 124. 1874.
   Subordo  Selaginellineae Engl.
pub. Syllabus, ed. 2: 64. Mai 1898.
   Familia  Selaginellaceae Willk.
pub. Anleit. Stud. Bot. 2: 163. Feb 1854.
common name: small clubmosses
   Genus  Polycocca Hill
syn. Selaginella P.Beauv.

Individual specimen entries are published in the sample database supplied with The Compleat Botanica for species or varieties of this supra-generic taxon.

For a description of the methodology followed in establishing this hierarchy see the note Nomenclature used in The Compleat Botanica.


Last reviewed November 01, 2004   


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