Symbols used in these Pathfinder documents
   compleat botanica    using the software    Pathfinder   


Hypertext links within Pathfinder are accompanied by small icons to indicate the type of document to be displayed.  This visual clue will give you some idea about the relevancy and location of the document.

Symbol Description
This indicates a link to a table of contents document.
This indicates a link to a summary page with links to related topics.
This indicates a link to an introductory page for a group of related topics.
This indicates a link to a document with specific information.
This indicates a link to a World Wide Web site.  This link will only work if you are connected to the Internet.

See also

   Using the Pathfinder table of contents

   Using the Pathfinder View

   Pathfinder in a separate window

   Pathfinder behind firewalls


For an index to other topics see

   Using the Compleat Botanica


Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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