Pathfinder behind firewalls
   compleat botanica    using the software    Pathfinder   


If you have firewall software on your computer which restricts access to the Internet, you'll need to decide whether grant or deny this access to Pathfinder. Pathfinder uses an embedded copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer to display these documents. If you allow Internet Explorer to access the Internet, you'll also want to allow Pathfinder to have this access. On the other hand, if you're running a tightly secured computer, you'll want to deny access.

Here's what one software firewall product looks like the first time Pathfinder tries to use the Internet.

Each firewall product uses its own methods for granting and denying Internet acsess. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for granting or denying access to the Compleat Botanica and Pathfinder. The executable file for the software is typically located at C:\Program Files\Compleat Botanica\Programs\CompleatBotanica.exe.

See also

   Using the Pathfinder table of contents

   Using the Pathfinder View

   Pathfinder in a separate window

   Symbols used in these Pathfinder documents


For an index to other topics see

   Using the Compleat Botanica


Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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