Exquisite butterfly plant
Handsome year-round variegated
foliage and bright reddish-violet panicles in the summer. |
Theresa is thrilled to share her knowledge of horticulture and good land
stewardship. "I feel that we live in such a delicate balance, and
the indiscriminate use of some commercial products may tip the scales
the wrong way." Theresa uses The Compleat Botanica to keep
track of her own horticultural practices in her back yard.
Q: How do the specimen links inside the Notes area work?
You can create hyperlinks from one specimen to another when you use the
notes area. This is the area provided at the bottom of several of
the specimen data entry views for typing word processing-like notes.
When a hyperlink has been created, you can double-click the item to jump
to the referenced specimen. see the full story. For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
Holiday sale - save $40
Q: How many pictures are contained in the program?
Only about 100 flower pictures are supplied with the sample
database. The Compleat Botanica provides for the
organization of plant pictures that are taken with today's
ever-present digital cameras, but the software is not an encyclopedia
of plant pictures.
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: How to find plant names.
A: Looking for a hard to
remember name can be frustrating, especially when you're not an expert
in botanical names. The software provides several ways to search for
names, each useful for different searching problems. If you know a plant by its common name, use the list of vernacular names.
Type the common name in the search field and press the search button.
You can also use the list of vernacular names if you know part or all of the botanical
name. Just toggle the search button to Search for botanical names.
If you know part or all of the botanical name, you can use the Find facility of the
taxonomic checklist.
If you're certain that you have a specimen record for a particular name, you can use the
Find facility of the specimen view
See the full story.
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do I . . .