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Plant hardiness and heat tolerance span a range of zones and are thus specified with a description like "Zones 06a-09b" or "AHS 06-09". The drop-down combo-boxes used to specify and display climate zones allow you to enter descriptions just like this.
Here's what the results will look like: The Sunset climate zones that an individual species is adapted to are frequently discontinuous ranges. For example, the coldest climate zones would include zones 01-02, zone 15, and zones 44-45. Here's how multiple zonal ranges will look: There are six climate fields that allow multiple codes:
See also
Setting default values for new specimen records
Using codes as shortcuts in the category fields
Categories that allow free-form data entry
How do I specify more than one best use, desirable quality or adverse quality for a specimen?
For an index to other topics see
Last reviewed March 25, 2004