Changing the window color scheme
   compleat botanica    using the software    Customizing   


As the seasons progress and your mood changes, you may like to change the color scheme used for The Compleat Botanica�s windows. Do this using the Customize settings window:

These settings affect the Specimen List and the banner at the top of each view

Some of these color schemes are approximations of Bonnie Rosser Krims� excellent book The perfect palette: fifty inspired color plans for every room in your home, Warner Books Inc., 1998, New York.

See also

   Customizing the appearance of the software

   Choosing measurement units for database entries

   Choosing measurement units for reports and labels

   Switching between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales

   Changing the display format for dates

   Formatting specimen numbers

   Changing the specimen list font size

   Choosing which color values to use

   Changing the list of distribution codes

   Changing database column names

   Customizing the software

Last reviewed March 31, 2006   


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