Opening a database
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Opening a database

Opening a different database is simple, just double-click on the data source name.


Opening an older database

If you have older databases from a previous version of the software, they'll need to be "renovated" before being opened. You'll be prompted automatically when this situation is recognized. Just follow the three steps for safely backing up, renovating, and opening your database.

Creating a database backup is optional but recommended, especially if you plan on ever using the older version of the software.


Opening a newer database

If you attempt to open a database that was created with a more recent version of The Compleat Botanica software, you'll see a message similar to this one. Newer versions of a database can only be opened with the newer version of the software.

Problems with opening a database

If you see the "Unable to open database" message window, you�ll need to figure out what the problem is.

Step 1: Make sure you�ve selected a valid Compleat Botanica data source. (Note that not all data sources in the list are Compleat Botanica databases.)

Step 2: Both the Authentication ID and Password should be "Catalog".

Step 3: The SQL Server Desktop Engine should be automatically started. There is no need to troubleshoot this.

Step 4: Follow the steps for Troubleshooting the ODBC configuration. This is most likely to solve your problem.


See also

   The Data Manager utility

   Closing a database

   Creating a new database

   Deleting a database

   Making a backup copy of your database

   Restoring a database from a previous backup

   Database operations

Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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