Bicolor foliage - striking
Clusters of red-winged fruit in late
summer |
As curator of her regional arboretum, Miriam has been carefully
cataloging the arboretum's collection with estimated ages, current
height, and of course with photographs. "I want the next
generation to be able to see what this place looked like in its younger
days." With The Compleat Botanica, developing her catalog
is easy and fun.
Q: How do I add items to the list of tags to print?
Whenever you add a new specimen to your collection, the Tag needs
printing box is checked. Later when you use the Print tags .
. . command, those items that are checked will be included in the list
of tags to print. When the tags have been printed, the Tag needs
printing box has its check removed.
You re-include an item in the
list by simply checking the box again. see the full story. For more tips see
The not so obvious . . .
The Compleat Botanica is now specially priced.

Holiday sale $49.99
Offer expires December 14, 2009
Holiday sale - save $40
Q: I have thousands of records in dBase format. Could
this be imported into your program?
Yes. Databases that use the dBaseIII or dBaseIV formats
that can export their records using a comma delimited format or a
tab delimited format are compatible with The Compleat Botanica.
See what other people are asking
Asked Questions
Q: How to find answers using Pathfinder. A: You can use the Pathfinder facility to find answers to questions about the software.
There are two basic approaches to using Pathfinder. If you
simply want to browse through the available topics, use the tree-like
table of contents in the left-hand window pane. Double-clicking
any item with the green index symbol
will display a list of related
informational documents -- these are the items prefaced with the blue info
symbol .
If you prefer to search for answers using the familiar search engine approach, you can
type short phrases, questions, or keywords into the search box. Documents containing one
or more of your keywords are listed in the results page inside the Pathfinder window.
see the full story. See more "how to" articles
do I . . .