Column ordering
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Not so obvious

   Data source
   Multiple selection
   First column
   Specimen available
   Printer fonts
   Column widths
   Color groups
   Picture location
   Picture previewer
   Record limit
   Color checking

  Not so obvious # 3 [ Previous ] [ Next ]


Is there a way to change the column order after I've created my filter? Yes.  When a filter is first created, the column order of the specimen list is dependant upon the order in which the items were added to the filter.  To change this order later on, you can simply click and drag the column header of the specimen list. The ordering of columns will be retained and restored the next time you use the filter.
Use a �mouse-drag� operation to reorder columns. Position the mouse over the center of the column to be repositioned, press down on the mouse, move the entire column left or right, and release the mouse.
Here's what it looks like after the mouse-drag is completed.


For more articles in the "The not so obvious . . ." series see

   Index of "not so obvious" things you should know



  Not so obvious # 3 [ Previous ] [ Next ]

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   Getting started


Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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