Pictures that you associate with your specimen are not stored in the
database in the same way as all of your other data. Instead your
pictures are kept in their original format (JPEG, GIF, and so forth), on
your hard disk in their original location. The suggested location for
pictures is the folder "C:\Program
Files\Compleat Botanica\Data\CBPhotos". If you place your
pictures in this folder, the Picture file item will store the name
of the photo file without the folder name (see the example for
Coreopsis below). If you place your pictures in a different folder,
the Picture file item will store the fully qualified photo name including
the folder name (see the example for Achillea below).
You can change the suggested location for pictures using the Customize
setting . . . area.
Use the Picture options of the Customize settings area to change the
suggested location for pictures. |
This example shows a picture file that has been place in the suggested
This example shows a picture file that has been placed in an alternate
location. |
Remember that your pictures are not backed up when you
make a backup of your database. To make a safe copy of your pictures you
should use the Windows Explorer to copy them to a CD or a removable disk.
For more articles in the "The not so obvious . . ." series see
Index of "not so obvious" things you should know