The Herbal medicine view is used to record the traditional and folkloric
medicinal properties of this species. |
Medicinal properties |
This is a list of the ways in which this plant has been used to treat
illness and to promote health. |
Medicinal parts |
The parts of the plant that are used when preparing infusions,
tinctures, creams, herbal teas, and so forth. |
Has medicinal uses |
An all purpose item used to indicate that this plant has some
traditional healing properties. |
Do not self administer |
Checked when this plant is considered dangerous enough that only
qualified herbalists should consider using it. |
Do not use if pregnant |
Checked when this plant has abortifacient properties or is otherwise
potentially harmful to the developing fetus. |
Legally restricted |
Checked when the use or possession of this plant is subject to legal
restrictions in one or more countries. |
Toxicity precautions |
A description of the possible toxic effect of the use of this plant. |
Medicinal notes |
A word processing-like note used to describe the beneficial uses of this
plant. |