Bulletin 15
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Technical Bulletins # 15 back ] Next ]

Specimen reports don't print.



Specimen reports can be designed and previewed in the WYSIWYG report generator, but pressing the "Print" button doesn't send the report to the printer.



This problem affects Build 87 only. You can obtain a patch to the software here, that will correct this problem.

To use this utility, download the self-extracting executable below. Unzip the files to the folder on your computer that contains the CompleatBotanica.exe file.  This is typically located in the folder C:/Program Files/Compleat Botanica/Programs/Because this utility relies on other portions of the Compleat Botanica software, it will only work if it is copied to this folder.

  If you have an affected version of the software (Build 87 or before), you can request this patch by contacting Crescent Bloom's technical support staff.

Versions affected
Operating system Problem first identified Problem fixed
Windows NT Build 87 Build 88
Windows 2000 Build 87 Build 88
Windows XP Build 87 Build 88

Last reviewed January 28, 2006