   compleat botanica    using the software    getting started    Features   




Tour of features

   7 key features
   16 more features
   Specimen lists
   Data sharing
   Family names
   Botanical names
   Iconic data


Tour of essential features # 23 back ] Next ]

Today's software is so approachable and intuitive to use that we can learn to use a new application just by poking around and looking at a few samples.  But a good set of documents can help both the novice and the expert user to learn more about the advanced features of a software product.

The Compleat Botanica uses a miniature integrated Web browser to let you navigate through the online help system.  This Pathfinder tool features all the rich presentation features we've come to expect with HTML documents.  But perhaps the best part of this is that hyperlinks can access documents located on the Internet just as easily as documents on your local computer.  In addition to the software-specific documents, the Pathfinder has links to hundreds of useful World Wide Web sites.


Here are the top-level indexes for the Pathfinder:

  Using the software

  World Wide Web resources

  Troubleshooting problems

  Citations and references

For an index to other topics see

   Getting started


Last reviewed March 25, 2004   


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